Thursday, February 20, 2014

Essex County Environmental Center partnership with PRI

Montclair University's Passaic River Institute (PRI) in the College of Science and Mathematics has partnered with the Essex County Environmental Center (ECEC) in Roseland, NJ (Essex County)! Friday, October 18, 2013 was the celebration of this partnership and tour of the environmental center. Led by representative from PRI including Dr. Meiyin Wu and graduate students Jayce Araque and Kassandra Archer (Yr 13) as well as Tara Casella (Yr 1-- ambassadors are everywhere!), the Essex County Environmental Affairs Coordinator and Center Manager, attendees were treated to breakfast and heard about the details of the partnership.

ECEC will be hosting PRI students as well as functions, analysis, and events; the site is a great place for water assessments and the Center has rooms available for environmental education activities. I attended this event with fellow ambassadors Peggy Monkemeier (WMA 6), Jon Pereira (WMA 4), and Jon Dugan (WMA 7). We toured the facilities and property which is a part of the Essex County Parks System. The edge of the site overlooks the Passaic River, a stunning view from the streambank.

This was a wonderful experience-- I was able to network with grad students and potential advisors from MSU and learned about an exemplary environmental center in my area. ECEC falls in Peggy's WMA, and I know she is thrilled to be able to use the Center as a resource; I look forward to assisting her!


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