Thursday, February 20, 2014

First Day at PCPD!

Monday, September 23, 2013 was my first day at my host agency, the Passaic County Department of Planning & Economic Development-- I will use the abbreviation PCPD (Passaic County Planning Department) from here on out.

My host agency supervisor, Kathleen Caren, is the Open Space Coordinator for the County. She is a wonderfully enthusiastic person, and her enthusiasm for preserving open space is infectious. I am very lucky to have her as a mentor!

I met other members of PCPD including Director Michael LaPlace and Senior Planner Mike Lysicatos whom is a fellow Environmental Studies graduate! They, along with the other employees of PCPD, have been so supportive and friendly. 

PCPD is a great host agency for NJWAP as it puts the WMA 3 ambassador right in the thick of it all with access to ArcGIS, County meetings, local management plans, and more. I have taken advantage of my location particularly when I only need to walk down the hall to attend an Open Space or Planning Board meeting!

I look forward to my partnership with PCPD and the rewarding projects we will undergo!

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