Thursday, February 20, 2014

Make a Difference Day!

Saturday, October 26, 2013 was Make a Difference Day at Island Beach State Park (IBSP), an AmeriCorps event in partnership with Jersey Cares. Numerous people attended from various environmental and public service groups along with members of the general public. There were a plethora of projects that day-- the NJWAP members took part in building and painting lifeguards chairs. This was my first experience building or painting anything!

Many of the ambassadors got dust and paint on them, but by the end of the day, we were happy we arose early to help IBSP recover post-Superstorm Sandy which continues to affect New Jersey residents to this day. After our volunteer shift was over, a handful of the ambassadors went out with Steve (WMA 14) to learn how to seine in the Barnegat Bay! We caught many small species including mummichog, shrimp, and croaker-- we let them go back into the Bay as they are a vital component of the food chain! Overall, this beautiful October day could not have been more fulfilling and fun!

Lifeguard chair volunteers at IBSP (photo credit: Kathy Giordano)

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